資格 Occupational licensing
- 口腔外科専門医
Board of Specialist, Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon - 口臭治療認定医
Board of Specialist, Japanese Academy of Malodor Syndrome
履歴 A Summary of Academic and Work History
- 1992年
- Received a Ph.D.in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery from the Showa University
昭和大学第一口腔外科にて博士号取得 - 1994年
- Mayo Clinic, Division of Plastic Surgery
メイヨークリニック(米)形成外科 客員研究員 - ~1996年
- Royal Melbourne Hospital
Division of Plastic Surgery
ロイヤルメルボルン病院(豪)形成外科客員研究員 - 1997年
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Showa University
昭和大学第一口腔外科 兼任講師 - 1999年
- NTT Kanto Medical Center NTT EC
NTT関東病院勤務 - 2003年
- Research fellow of Osaka University
大阪大学研究員 - 2003年
- Open Shimizu Dental Clinic
清水歯科開業 - 2007年
- Oral Rehabilitation, Showa University
『見えないから怖い 口の病気 ―虫歯からガンまで』
English Information
At our hospital, we will focus on improving periodontal diseases as well as treating dental caries. Because it is impossible to maintain a better state in the long term, no matter how much gum treatment is done if the gum state is not good.
In order to keep health in your mouth in good condition, correct maintenance is necessary. We place emphasis on clinical practice through dialogue with patients, not only proposing a maintenance method at home suitable for each individual but also wanting to participate in maintaining the health of patients through periodic maintenance.
Please talk about any small troubles concerning your mouth health.